- 清楚自己要干吗,不能犹豫
- 没有把握,就下车,推吧
- 让别人当你的挡箭牌
- 不要相信交通灯,一切靠知觉
- 注意停在旁边的车子,有时不经意车门会突然开
hey NJ, great to hear you settling down in a Beijing-er life. Hope to hear more from you soon. Seeya!
Happy settling in, Sirennights, be careful when you ride, you and your hot wheels!;p Sounds like (and i can imagine) the road there bohjenghoo wan...
I'll try and catch you here when I can, your Chinese so cheem, took me awhile to read this post, haha!
Thanks for all your comments. Glad to see people are still coming by despite my severely inconsistent writing. And Riguangyu is correct, I promised to write more ... but I am writing more - my assignments ha ha ha. But these are all excuses lah. There's actually so much I want to record down, but I'm mentally drained everyday - Beijing school is definitely not for the faint hearted ha ha ha.
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